The Spring Miniature Show in Phoenix was the biggest bargain of the weekend at $5 per person both Saturday and Sunday. I was only able to attend on Sunday, and those hours were simply not enough to see everything that there was to see.
We met Lani Lugo, a miniaturist with over 30 years experience walked away with both the Grand Prize and Second Prize for her creations. After talking with her, and learning that she often puts in over 500 hours into her beauties, one would think that she was lucky to have two offerings for this show. I discovered that she had many more than two entered.
I should have asked her how many she entered, because I kept seeing her name everywhere. She is one talented lady.
Here she is behind her creation designed for the Arizona Day Workshop in January of 2014.
In this workshop you will learn how to create your very own miniature “room box” that could look like this…
or this…
or this…
or any way you might want it to look. You are only limited by your imagination!
I wasn’t able to get a photo of her grand prize winning creation because so many people were milling around admiring every single feature. Her attention to detail simply takes my breath away.
She also took second prize with her Southwestern presentation. I simply wanted to move in and live there.
Anyone who is interested in learning how to be a miniaturist needs to meet this lovely lady.